Small Steps, Sensible Choices, Superior Health.

I Thought I Was Getting Arthritis

by Mrs. Saldivar

For the past 3-4 years I have been using Sweet N Low and Splenda. I had a cold sore on my bottom lip that became infected. I went to the doctor 4-5 five times because my lip would stay cracked and wouldn't heal. I finally gave up and have been living with a cracked bottom lip.

I also thought I might be getting arthritis. When I would get up from sitting for any amount of time, even if it was only 15-20 minutes, I could not just get up and walk. I was very sore and felt achy and could literally not walk right away. I would have to stand there and try to stretch a little before I could even walk.

I've stopped using the artificial sweeteners now for the past 3-4 weeks. I've noticed my bottom lip is much better and others around me have noticed it too. Starting around the third week of not using the sweeteners, I've noticed I'm not feeling that sore and achy anymore when I get up to walk after sitting. I'm not really having to stretch anymore.

Even though I would only use between 2-6 packets a day, I'm convinced the artificial sweetners had to be causing some of my problems. I really feel like I was having a reaction to the chemicals in the sweetener.

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Aug 26, 2015
Education can tells us
by: Anonymous

Education can tells us the suitable uses of intelligence looked after transfer the intelligence to a higher coming generations and in essay-on-time writing addition they save culture in minds.

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