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Is Your Water Safe and Pure?

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The human body is made up of 70% water and every cell depends upon it.

Did you know that although our planet contains over 70% water, only 1% of it is suitable for drinking?   

Is Your WaterTap Safe?

Stop for a minute and think about what happens when you turn on the tap (unless you have a well).

This simple liquid we can't survive without, travels on quite a journey before it gets to your glass.  

  • It travels through miles of pipes containing organic and inorganic matter.
  • Goes through plumbing systems that may be in good condition or may have rust in them
  • It's subjected to chemicals and numerous other contaminants. 

The treatment plants put a solution of chlorine into it's natural state to kill anything that would be harmful to humans.

It may be killing the bacteria, but there are many other contaminants left untouched, like chemicals and hormones from prescription drugs.

Drinking from the tap to the signs of a thyroid problem due to the chlorine and fluoride. 

Both chlorine and fluoride block iodine receptors in the thyroid and can lead to hypothyroidism.

Epidemiological studies have also linked chlorine by-products with increased cancer risks.

Filtering Systems for Purity

benefits of drinking pure water

Pure water is what your body needs the most. Heat and chlorine do kill most of the bacteria in tap water, so these processes are better than drinking out of a stream or a well.

One of the most popular home filtering options is to use a reverse osmosis system. Fresh water is pressure forced through a membrane that stops contaminants and minerals from passing through resulting in a reasonably pure source.

The electrodialysis filtering treatment was developed in the 1950's. It's a membrane desalination process wherein the positive and negative ions from the salt and other ionized species are removed by electric current and series of membranes. 

There are many other types of home filtration systems available from many manufacturers.

Some are quite expensive so make sure you do your homework before investing in one. Cost doesn't always determine quality.

If you think you can't afford a filtering system, consider using a filtering pitcher of some type filter.

They are better than drinking straight from the tap. 

Distilling is when water is heated and all debris is removed from the liquid state as it becomes steam, and what you have left is the purest form of water.

Although keep in mind that all the minerals have been removed as well. So you'll want to supplement with a good mineral supplement.

The benefits of distilled and reverse osmosis include the removal of the inorganic matter and chemicals and can aid in the ability to digest nutrients.

If you rely on a well, there are obviously no regulatory protections in place, so you might want to consider having your water tested to see what you are actually consuming.

Bottled Beverage Choices

Good water is odorless, tasteless and has no calories, a plus if you're trying to lose weight. However, be careful with those sports, fitness and health beverages on the market today.

Many of them contain additives like caffeine, sodium, sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and artificial food color dyes and other unnecessary materials in an effort to make your life "healthier".

They may taste good but they shouldn't be a replacement for good old H2O. If you want a little flavor, a squeeze of lemon is a healthy choice. It will be tasty and lemon also helps to alkalize the water.

Benefits of Pure H2O

The health benefits are important because it:

  • helps to regulate your body temperature
  • makes up 83% of your blood
  • makes up 90% of your lungs
  • makes up 75% of your brain
  • helps the body convert food into energy

It’s easy to see why it’s the most important element to the human body.

While we usually think of consumption by drinking, we need to remember that our skin is also an organ and it absorbs whatever it comes in contact with.

You might want to consider a filter for your shower to filter out harmful chemicals.

Also, remember to make healthy choices when choosing cleaning products and personal care products.

How Much Do You Need?

That will vary from person to person. Generally speaking you should try to drink 5-10 eight-ounce glasses a day. If you are heavier, exercising, or out in the heat, you will want to drink more.

Another way to figure out a ratio is to drink half of your body weight in ounces, (example: weight 160 pounds = drink 80 ounces ) and vary it based on temperature and your activity.

There is such a thing as drinking too much and it is not advised to drink in excess of eight liters a day.

When on the go, try to take your own source with you in a BPA free reusable container, that way you can drink better quality and be more environmentally friendly

Signs of Dehydration

Water helps to carry nutrients to your body's cells and to help eliminate waste matter. In fact it is critical to your entire digestive process.

You may be able to live weeks without food but you will only last days with out water.

Make sure you're getting enough so you don't get dehydrated. One of the signs that you're a little depleted is hunger.

Try drinking some water before you eat and see if that satisfied your hunger. If you're dehydrated your body will have a hard time eliminating acids.

Potential signs of dehydration include:

  • Acid Reflux
  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Constipation
  • Cramps
  • Depression
  • Dizziness
  • Dry Eyes
  • Dry Mouth
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Irritability
  • Joint Pain
  • pH Imbalance
  • Weight Gain

Make sure you're adequately hydrating your body, use some type of home filtering system and your body will thank you for it with better health!

Additional Resources

Shop for Water Filtration Systems

BPA and Water Bottles

Healthy Breasts

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